i like how even when you make something incredibly dumb it still gets like tens of thousands of views a score above 4.0 and like all the awards
not saying that it wasnt funny and silly but dam harry
scriblam like?!! :D
whoops never wrote a review
before i get into this may i please just note that cocaine isnt a hallucinogen and does not cause hallucinations ever because its a stimulant and stimulants dont fucking do that?
ok good
now on to the rest of the movie
honestly by the time the drug dealer entered the stage i knew exactly what was going to happen and i found that extremely irritating. i knew you were going to pretend cocaine was a hallucinogen and make the characters TrIp SoMe BaLlZ and pass out and wake up doing WaCkY sHiT rather than end the cartoon with a proper conclusion.
honest to fucking god will you please PLEASE write one cartoon that has an ending and not just shit happening to the characters and the whole thing cutting to black
much obliged
ib4 you tell me to get a life/girlfriend/something else i already have like you always do as if not having one or more of the above makes my argument invalid somehow
hey buddy hows it going?
Well friend, cutting to black or credits, or ending a cartoon with a bunch of characters saying I'VE LEARNED SOMETHING, etc. It's all been done billions of times before, nothing's original you chode. This is my type of humor, I'm not gonna change my type of humor for a mongoloid that thinks the loony toons getting hit with wooden hammers over and over is the most hilarious/genius thing since the dawn of man.
Write something constructive you wank.
up there with norse in the 9th ward and cool court
u done it now boy!!
Congratulations! Your vote was the last vote neede
im a hero
magnum opus
i seem to say that phrase a lot but i really do mean it this time. there's no way i could possibly do any better than this if i tried for the rest of my life
now i know how richard williams felt after he made who framed roger rabbit
lmao this actually passed
i fuckin love u bro
ur never gonna let me spin...
nobody spins in dis green hill zone
very cute
i think this has potential to be a very cool and entertaining series
keep on it bro!!!!
I hope so if I got time for it I have a million other projects that need to be finished too so ok!
landfill of dead white teenage angst and unexamined chauvanism. this is not a place of honor. no great deeds are commemorated here
Joined on 11/14/08